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What is the situation in Heidelberg?

  1. There is a lack of staff in many areas in Heidelberg. Heidelberg is no different than other cities. However, the challenges of today and tomorrow cannot be solved without personnel.

  2. The CO2 savings in transport, the building sector and in business have so far been far too small. Current policies have failed to achieve the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees.

  3. Energy costs are the biggest cost factor for many companies today.

  4. Owner-managed retailers struggle with global competition online and on-site.


“Climate and economy belong together. As Lord Mayor of Heidelberg, I want to make the transformation into a sustainable economy and securing the livelihood of local businesses and retailers a priority in business development. Climate protection is a cross-sectional task that affects all areas. Our goal must be to be as climate neutral as possible by 2030.”

How exactly do we achieve this in Heidelberg?

I suggest, that we:

  • establish a program for recruiting skilled workers in order to fill particularly required training positions in Heidelberg with trainees. Especially in the systemically relevant professions and in the renovation sector.

  • Initiate cooperation with schools in order to get to know the professions better and to support the students even more in their professional qualifications.

  • expand district heating to all suitable and undeveloped areas by 2030.

  • Generate climate-neutral district heating with geothermal energy and river heat pumps.

  • Enable photovoltaics on all buildings, even where it was previously not possible due to monument protection.

  • introduce a climate citizens' council, which will help to decide by consensus how we can achieve a climate-neutral Heidelberg as quickly as possible (target 2030). If we involve the population with their diversity and let them have a say in decision-making, then we can make more things possible than if the municipal council decides from above. This is essential for the success of climate protection.

  • Make companies fit for the future and independent of price developments on the energy market.

  • Support retailers with a "Heidelberg online shop" and local delivery service. 

  • As a city, be a role model and only hire for an unlimited period and pay according to tariffs in all city (subsidiary) companies

  • Only give orders to companies that pay their employees or subcontractors at least according to the tariff.

  • Support owners with the renovation and remove bureaucratic hurdles.

"And if you think that we need a strong administration with a plan for the future, an adminstration that combines the economy and the climate, then I ask for your trust in the mayoral election
on November 6th, 2022."

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