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Join us

Achieving political goals requires broad support from society. Volunteers are the focus of my election campaign. Do you want to help plan the next event or just make a financial contribution to the political effort?


I support Soren Michelsburg

I am very happy about the financial support of my election campaign. Any amount helps! Simply use the donation form or transfer the donation amount to the following account:

SPD district association Heidelberg
IBAN: DE43 6725 0020 0009 0248 91
Sparkasse Heidelberg

Please enter the purpose of the donation and your contact details in the intended use so that we can give you feedback and issue a donation_receipt.

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During the election campaign, I depend on helping hands and would be happy if you would like to lend a hand!
Please let me know how you can be reached and what you would like to help with. My team will then get in touch with you.
Thank you very much for your commitment!

How I would like to get involved:

Thanks for sending!

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